The more that you read,
the more things you'll know.
The more that you learn,
the more places you'll go.
{dr. seuss}

February 15, 2012

The day of love

This years Valentine's Day was probably the best I have ever experienced.

The question is: Why? Let me tell you.

Instead of worrying about who loved me, I worried about who I was going to tell that I loved them. I made individual Valentines for all of my roommates and wrote notes along with them. From there, I passed out candy to my friends who love me enough to stop and talk to me in the hall. I also took strawberries and chocolate to work so that we could enjoy chocolate covered strawberries while we tutored. It was so much fun. I LOVED seeing the reactions on my friends faces. They would laugh and smile, which made it all the more fun.

Why don't I do this every day? Oh I know, I can't afford it.

However, I can afford to write nice notes for others and still let them know that I love them. I think that is what I'll do for now on. Then everyday can be a day of love.

1 comment:

Gab said...

I *love* YOU! ;) <--winky face deceptively making light of my true and abiding passion